Category Archives: game

Clash of Clans’ Brother: Clash Royale

Throw back to 2012, when Clash of Clans was released by Supercell, it became a huge phenomenon for young players. Kids in every age play it, even adults. After that huge success that came from Supercell, we thought or I though there will hardly be another game come from Supercell that makes a huge success like Clash of Clans until, Clash Royale.

Clash Royale was released on January 4th, 2016. Clash Royale is a real time multiplayer game, which means you compete with other players around the world at the same time. Clash Royale is a strategy game type, we use decks or cards to take down enemy’s

Let’s get familiar with this game by knowing these basic concepts. We have 3 towers: King’s tower and 2 arena towers. When we take down 1 arena tower, it counts as 1. But, if you take the King’s tower down, it counts as three. Apparently, it is not easy to take those tower down. You start off with 8 cards per deck and you must combine your troops efficiently. An important strategy for this game is you have to balance your Elixir (kind of like the money to buy troops). In a game, you only have max of 10 elixir and they will refill gradually. You don’t want to spend those elixir at once because you don’t have anything left to defend your tower if your attack failed. Basic troops of the game are: Barbarians, Archers, Baby Dragon, Giant, etc… Each troops has different Elixir price like 4, 5 ,7. You have to smart in order to beat other players.

This game is a must for 2016, I encourage you to try this game. It’s super entertaining, but sometimes it also frustrating. You can compete with you friends or other player around the world. So, join me and try this game. We may become rivals in the future.